'Bihar' by LLYC was commissioned by the BBK Foundation to platform restlessness around issues of sustainability and climate change, particularly among young people. It's a 17-minute piece that excels in the fabrication of disquiet.
Utilising a dramatic mode of storytelling, the film details the fictional life of a child born in 2020 who encounters society in decline. As real-world terminologies like 'climate anxiety' outlive the pandemic they were coined in, any unease experienced by the viewer isn't just discomfort for discomfort's sake. The technique of replicating these emotions in audiences watching this piece aims to reflect the experiences of many adolescents throughout lockdowns. It's a testimony to how deftly handled both the subject matter is and how underlying messages, if given room to breathe, can resonate with viewers.
During the campaign's launch, significant coverage across national channels also helped to bring a greater traction. A large mannequin head was crafted, modelled on that of the young central character. This was then placed in Bilbauo's Estuary, turning a dramatic piece of film into a real-world installation. As the tides came and went, the water levels around the face rose and dropped, a captivating metaphor for the legacy left to the young.
It's a truly absorbing piece.